
“Be Someone’s Hero: Stop and Prevent Bullying” (45-90 minutes)
Too often, adults dismiss bullying and harassment as a rite of passage or blame the victim, ignoring its potentially violent consequences. Meanwhile, social media allows bullies to attack their targets anywhere, anytime. This presentation for teens helps them understand what bullying is, what it looks like, and how they can practice active bystander tactics.

“Rise Above Bullying” (45-90 minutes)
Parents, teachers, and mentors should not dismiss bullying as “kid stuff” that they can or should work out among themselves. This presentation helps adults understand what bullying looks like and the possible consequences. We also demonstrate how adults can empower their kids, turning them from hapless witnesses into “active bystanders.”

“Making Connections: Childhood Emotional Abuse and Bullying” (60-90 minutes)
This variant of our bullying presentation focuses on emotional abuse from both peers and parents/guardians. Some studies suggest emotional abuse is a stronger predictor of later-life psychological, emotional, and behavioral impairment than physical abuse. Explore the inherent similarities between bullying and emotional abuse and what to do if a child comes to you upset about the way their parents or classmates treat them.

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