Teen Dating Violence

“Yes or No: Healthy Relationships and Sexual Assault” (60-120 minutes)
Most survivors of sexual assault are attacked not by strangers but by people that they know. This youth version of “Your Body, Your Say” teaches teens about healthy vs. unhealthy relationships and how they can protect themselves and others. The session includes a discussion of consent and the criminal justice process as it relates to minors.

“Falling in Love: Healthy Relationships and Teen Dating Violence” (60-90 minutes)
This presentation is the high-school version of “When Violence Hits Home.” It helps teens distinguish between healthy, unhealthy, or outright abusive relationships in the context of dating. It introduces the concept of consent and shows today’s tech-savvy teens how their favorite devices and apps could put them at risk. Finally, we explain how to support a friend who may be in an abusive relationship.

“In Their Shoes” (adaptable to class period time – 60-120 minutes if outside school setting)
The WSCADV In Their Shoes series is an engaging way to talk about dating violence and healthy relationships with young people in one class period. Participants become one of six characters based on the experiences of real teens including sexting, pregnancy, homophobia, and stalking. They make choices about their relationships and move through the scenario by reading about interactions with their dating partner, family, friends, counselors, police, and others. Group processing and discussion is built into the end of the class/session time.

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